Friday, January 27, 2012

it's almost a year

ah it's been a month i haven't post anything yet here

actually i can't told any story here , my diary

because you know luckily i have no problem with my dear :)

just a small fight in the chinese new year's night

yeah thats not a good chinese new year ever in my life

i can't spent it with my big family and my friends and him of  course

i thought it all because he has a problem than he can't control his anger.. i guess

honestly i always wanted him to tell every little thing that happened to him

even it's happy or a sad story i just wanna hear it

even i can't help him to do anything but at least i can reduce his anger when he was angry

or he can shared his happiness to me if he was happy

you said that i have never told any story to you

but it wasn't me. but you

you never tell your small secret to me even

you said that we must opened-minded to each other

but what have you done?

i think you don't trust me. 

but why?

i'm your girlfriend , the one who you can told everything to

the one who you can share anything to

but today.. i felt that your love has reduced

everyone said you have changed.

changed to be a boy i never knew

you ever said to me that "we're not a couple style"

but who's the one who make that situation?

it's you..

you don't evern ask me to talk in the class

you keep your focus on the other girls.. did you know that i hurts me?

you keep joking with them.. ask anything to them.. not to me

i've enough patient to watch you all day like this

yes , i'm jealous. and i'm angry

everyday.. everytime.. everminute..

i see you in the class.. i don;t know why but i just felt that i don't wanna see your face..

i don't wanna talk to you or even smile to you

when i see you like that.. i always think that you're nothing for me

you have dissapeared from my heart and my memories

yeah it's not a good words but you did it

you make me wanna say these all

so who's wrong and who's right?

i'm still confused..

every morning i always keep in a positive thinking

i always says to myself

"you are my everything. everyone still don't know about us. so just let it be. just imagine that you're my 

bestfriend.. not my boyfriend"

but i can't. 

i keep jealous seeing you "talk" or having joke with them

i hate you

for a while.

aaah... why you always make me like this?

make me having so many prblems with you

even you don't even know what have happened to us. yes. you will never know

i hope that you will realize it by yourself.

i hope that you will apologize to me

it's not too late. because i'm still waiting fot it


understand it. understand every single emotion of my face everyday

i just want you to say "sorry" to me when you're starring at my sad eyes

and promise you will never do it again

because it hurts so much

22 more days than it will be the first year our aniiversary

hope we will stay like this till the end of our life

with the happiness we share.. love that we share.. or even the sadness and the madness we ever had

i love you always :)