Wednesday, June 8, 2011

that's it ! i'm not jealous..

for this second i'm not jealous at all..

i hate being test !

i don't think that you know it..

i just feel that you don't appreciate me

can you imagine if you're on my position?

you'll be the girl and i'll be the boy..

your boy is flirting the other girl..

and you don't ever think what your girl thinking that time

you show how good you are when you flirting the other girl

what will you feel?

will you angry? or just keep laughing while he's telling the fuckin story?

i don't think that every girl in this world would be laughing

when their boy is telling a story about 'flirting the other girl'

that night when you tell me that stories..

i don't ever think that i'm jealous..

i know you're joking and i know you like it

so i don't think it very much

but the next day when SHE's showing me your chat..

i'm disappointed and sad.. very sad

it's a surprise for me..

i know it's funny for you but it's not for me..

the most annoying things that time..

when SHE didn't want to show me all of your chat

i don't know what does it mean..

yea of course it's a secret between you both..

FUCK! i hate it

don't you think you'll hurt your girl with all of your fuckin shit??

i know you're enjoying testing me so that you know while i was jealous or not

but you must know something about me..

i hate being test ! really hate it !!

and it's not funny while you texting the other girl like that..

the first sentences when i was looking your chat..


you know that i don't want we have any fight again..

i know that you'll think that it's not a big problem..

yes for you but not for me

that afternoon i'm too angry but i think..

you won't understand what am i talking about..

you're just thinking that i'm jealous with you because you're flirting the other girl

one thing that i wanna tell you

please appreciated me here,right now

i don't want to have any fight with you anymore and i'm tired

every guy will think that it's all because the girls

girls are too sensitive , temperamental , mushy , or even worst

it's all because of you guys..

they're all are too falling in love with you

don't you feel it? 

it's too sad for me for seeing you flirting with the other girl

you said that she's beautiful..

and you even asked her whether she wants to be your girlfriend or not

yea it's not serious for you.. but while i'm reading those chats

my heart crying in a sudden

fuckin jokes

i hate it.. really..

so please.. don't do it anymore..

it will hurt me more

just feel it if you're me..

you'll feel the same..

everyone will...

and one more..

i'm not a sensitive girl like what you think everytime..

that time when you won't me come jogging with you..

i'm actually crying that night..

and i don;t know why

if i'm telling you i'm crying because of that..

i kow that you'll think that i'm crushy or something else

but i'm not..


i want always by your side..

and i'll do everything for it..

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