Friday, May 27, 2011

yap !

just arrived at pekanbaru today..

i'm so glad to be here again..

after a week in medan for my competition and my shopping show..

i can go back to my lovely town pekanbaru..

i'm badly miss my best friends.. i thought that i'm not a good student haha

i've been a week in medan enjoying my trip but on the other side

all of my friends is busy to prepare many stuff for my school promnite

my fault

but .. that's not a big problem laah.. hahahaha XD

(don't try this at anywhere)

at medan i've walked soo many places there..

i've been 2 years haven't went to my lovely hometown

the first place that i wanna visit was..

SUNPLAZA ! that's my favorite mall in medan and the biggest too

i've bought so many things there.. before i went to medan..

ive planned every thing that i wanna buy there.. because you know

pekanbaru don't have so many famous things like out there..

i've planned to buy cardigan and a silky bag for my trip

and i got it ! i think that i won't find it there but i'm so glad to be in medan

i really want to live here but i can't leave my old friends here

i've loved them :D

but i've almost forgot to tell it..

before i went to sunplaza.. the day before it actually

i have w competition in GRAND ANGKASA HOTEL

it's piano competition..

2 months before this competition i've followed a competition at ihome pekanbaru

the winners will be taking to medan to represent pekanbaru to medan

then if the winner won in medan will represent SUMATRA to JAWA

i've wished to be the winner in medan but i couldnt because it's too hard for me

but it's a proud of me to represent pekanbaru to medan..

medan has so many food and places to visit

but i have no many time there..

i've just visited some of them.. and the bad news

my family get sick there in the same day and time

every two days my family will get a stomache that the same with me

i think it's because we don't drink much water and we got sick quickly

but i doesn't stop our trip like that !

we stiil continueing our adventure lol

we try every food in medan that we haven't eat since 2 years ago

medan doesn't change so much

still crowded and has so many chinese :D hahaha

that's why i love that place.. 

my lovely hometown :)

and today i must go home to pekanbaru.. and started an usuall day :)

tomorrow i'll be busy because i must go to school early and help my friends

because you kow i've been a week in medan and having fun

but my friends is busy here.. (damn bad)

adn in the night.. my school will have a promnite..

everybody says promnite for this year will be the coolest one and i can't wait for it