Friday, June 1, 2012



this is freakin me out !

you know what?

i've just found HIS blog ! shit ! mmm actually he ever told me that he lso have a blog and it's been 

a long time he didn't post anything there..

and i don't know how and why,,

when my bestfriend was searching for my blog and type my name in google..

a strange blog tittle came out and wow!!

that's his blog !

yeah honestly it's a liitle bit emberassing but .. that's pretty cool ! hehehe

he used my picture for his blog background..

that's funny .. haha :p

now.. it's not that difficult to know how his feeling to me everyday..

i know that he's not an openminded person and that's make me dizzy

to know how he feels..

i hope.. you'll love me forever :)