Monday, April 25, 2011

my 14th birthday

yeeeyy !!!

today is my 14th birthday !!

damn happy ! XD

the day before my it , he act like he was angry to me.. and i don't know why

i can't angry to him.. just enjoy and think positively hahaha

honestly, i have known that he just act like that so i'll angry and his plan to make me angry could be succeed

hahaha but i don't think so 

that day.. i always keep smiling and do everything joyfully

i though it because i have good job in tzu chi when they held a bazar

they asked me and shelly to look after the ice cream stan 

it was damn tired but i perfectly enjoyed it :)

actually we started the bazar 10 o'clock but they asked us to came early

i though that be a stan keeper was so easy and fun..

but i was wrong.. that so damn tired and it makes my fingers hurted !

but by doing this bazar.. we undirectly have donated much money for tsunami in japan

and all of us in tzu chi were participated here.. and that makes me more spirited :)

then at night , everybody looks don't care with me and i knew that it just an act :p

i wasn't disappointed or angry i'm just enjoying it

you know . it's all because the next day will be the day i became a 14 years old girl :)

when it was midnight.. my best friends and he said happy birthday to me and i was very happy

but i couldn't reply it directly because i have slept early..

in the morning i reply all of their message to me..

and my brother said happy birthday to me in the morning before he went to the school

my brother and i have the birthday

and i think that it was a lucky ! hahaha

he was borned 25th april and the same with me

so i think that my parents won't buy 2 cakes for us ! hahaha

many of my brother friends said happy birthday to me that morning

and when was finished from bath.. my parents said it to me too

damn happy XD

but not with my brother.. he said to me 'both mom and dad forgot our birthday'

my brother woke up earlier than me because he'll go to school and i wasn't

thats mean i'm lucky! hahaha

my brother didn't asked to dad because he think that of course dad won't remember it

but he was wrong ! when we'll have a lunch and we was waiting our dad to go home

suddenly from out side dad brought a birthday cake for us

i saw that dad brought it with a big smile and make my brother touched

i though that he almost cried but he hold his cries ! lol

i was very happy till i hugged my dad tightly and thankful to him..

i never though that dad will give us a surprise like that, dad said that he won't forget our birthday

because he love us :D (love u too dad)

my dad bought a moccha cake and it taste good !

i knew that my dad have the best flavor. same with me :p

that time we had a cozy time . i love it so much..

and after we finished eating our birthday cake.. my best friend, vinny text me and said

she will go to my house and borrowed my biology notebook.. but she can't look in my house

because she said that she has no time for it

she was hurried and i understand about her reason. then i said it's fine :)

then after she arrived, she phoned me and asked me to get out

i saw that there is no car there. and i thought that her brother didn't drove up till in front of my house

then i asked her 'where is ur car ? your brother doesn't drove up you till here?'

she said 'thats my car !' she's pointing a black car and a little bit far from her

i've started leery that time but i just think positively

then suddenly ce sherly (vinny's sister) shouted me to come there

i don't know why so i just walk there slowly then suddenly..

they shouted HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!

then there is a birthday cake in front of my eyes and he was the one who holding it

yeah! i was happy and VERY HAPPY ! hahaha

when i was starting to blew the candle , my friend , lala was holding a bottle of mango juice

and trying to threw it to me !

and of course ce sherly ko wiwin vinny lala don't want to missed that moments

i really really really never though that they will make a fuckin cool surprise ! hahahaha XD

i was trying to run and stop them but they said 'come on.. this will happen once a year ! so don't missed it'

the worst moment that time were my  neighbours watching them throwing those 'stuff' to me

and keep laughing at me..

Godnesses !! too shy for me to open my eyes! hahaha

did you know what 'stuff' they throw to me??

2 bottles of fanta , a bottle of sprite , a bottle of ketchup , 5 eggs , 2 packets of flour and barbara hair spray

= =

and the last ! a big birthday cake that was also thrown to my face !

did you know ?? this birthday party was the crazy one from all of my birthday party

and i'll never think this will happen ! it's all a big surprise !

but i think it was too BIG for me ! hahahaha

and the strange one was.. my parents watched when i was attacked by my friends infront of the house

and they just keep laughing and don't ever think to help me !!

and till the have thorwn up all their 'stuff'' to me they said sorry to my parents and not to me

yeah they are all my craziest friends i ever had ! hahahha

but they are the one who make my birthday become the best birthday too..

love you guys !! XD thanks for the party! that was fuckin crazy ! hahahaha

but i love it :p

but did you know? i must spend an hour to clean up my hair and body ! lol

makes me tired but i keep laughing in the toilet ! hahahha

and i couldn't go to tzu chi because i have late for 30 minutes

actually that day i will practice drama in tzu chi but sadly i couldn't go because i take too many time for bath

in the afternoon i needed to go to piano lessons but suddenly..

he asked me to get out from my house

he said that he'll give something from me.. and it was surprising me a lot

he said that the present wasn't from him but his friend gave  to me

honestly i don't perfectly believe on it..

the first sentence when i saw the present was

"wow ! thats a big gift !"

after he gave it he went home and said 'just believe in your heart who gives the gift"

thats make me keep asking

i don't know why but i feel so nervous to open that gift

when i opened it , i saw a big pillow but there is a picture in the center of it

but it was closed by those papers ! hahaha

when i tear all of that papers slowly there is my pic in the center of the pillow

"God damn it!"

my face get blushed and i don't know why i started to shouted !

when i opened the letter inside.. i have known..

that gift was from him and i love it so much !

thats special for me and i will keep it forever :)

the first thing that i think was..

"he's very kind till he was willing to take this gift to my house alone"

for me.. that sounds romantic ! hahahaha (goin crazy)

i really really never expected that this day will be my best day ever !

and thanks for the surprise dad and also my lovely friends :)

you all definitely will be in my heart


you all are the best people that i ever known

