Friday, September 6, 2013

My head is killing me

So now.. There is nobody i can trusted to.

No one i can tell about my feelings to.

Dropping my tears infront of or holding hands

Luckily i didn't trust her that well

Maybe God has shown me the truth.

The truth that you can't trust anyone except you.

I've known that you must have talked about me with her but that's not my business

I'm quiet and i have many reason for that

I keep on my secrets and i won't tell you , ever.

You've felt how to be betrayed but you just think about yourself not others.

Hope i won't my whole teenager life with you ..

Hope i'll find somone much better than you and not as naive as you

That's why i want to have an older boyfriend and not in the same school or even class with me

So that he will listen to me well and not causing any pain.

Why do i have to drop my tears everyday?

Why do i cry for the same person?

Because i've never told them. 


I just want to start my new life. Not being hurted everyday.